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Expo Tunnel

Tunneling in Expo React Native

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WAN - Wide Area Network i.e. Internet

Running on Android over WAN using ngrok

  1. Install ngrok on System (Linux)
  2. Forward the port 8081 using ngrok ngrok http 8081
  3. Add the forwarded url in the terminal export EXPO_PACKAGER_PROXY_URL=https://a1cc-104-199-117-204.ngrok-free.app
  4. Run the Expo server npx expo start
  5. Install Expo Go Android App
  6. Paste the url exp://a1cc-104-199-117-204.ngrok-free.app

Running on Android over WAN using Gitpod Workspace

  1. Export port 8081 in PORTS section of terminal and make it PUBLIC
  2. Add the url in the terminal export EXPO_PACKAGER_PROXY_URL=https://8081-chitranjangupta-project-hmc2iztl9q7.ws-us108.gitpod.io
  3. Run the Expo server npx expo start
  4. Install Expo Go Android App
  5. Paste the url exp://8081-chitranjangupta-project-hmc2iztl9q7.ws-us108.gitpod.io

Running on Android over WAN using Github Codespace

  1. Export port 8081 in PORTS section of terminal and make it PUBLIC
  2. Add the url in the terminal export EXPO_PACKAGER_PROXY_URL=https://cuddly-fiesta-rrw5v9vw55vc5754-8081.app.github.dev
  3. Run the Expo server npx expo start
  4. Install Expo Go Android App
  5. Paste the url exp://cuddly-fiesta-rrw5v9vw55vc5754-8081.app.github.dev

Running on Android over WAN using Expo Tunnel

  1. Run this command npx expo start --tunnel this will ask you to install @expo/ngrok npm package in global scope
  2. Press y to install
  3. Install Expo Go Android App
  4. Paste url exp://sfff545-newwd.exp.direct

The Fast Refresh does not work on https connection because the websocket ssl termination does not work. Therefore to use fast refresh we have to connect using http connection. The npx expo start --tunnel start an http tunnel so it works without any configuration but with Expo Go only when it starts in development build it starts an https connection. So workaround this problem given below is solution.

Follow this instruction for development build to enable fast refresh

  1. Install the ngrok npm module globally npm i -g ngrok
  2. Set the auth token for ngrok because it will not work without authtoken ngrok config add authtoken <TOKEN>
  3. We have to downgrade ngrok http connection because by default with https ngrok http --scheme=http 8081
  4. then Add the url in the terminal export EXPO_PACKAGER_PROXY_URL=http://a1cc-104-199-117-204.ngrok-free.app
  5. Run the Expo server npx expo start
  6. Install Expo Go Android App
  7. Paste url http://a1cc-104-199-117-204.ngrok-free.app


  1. expo-cli