Nextjs Metadata
Meta tags in Nextjs
Blogged By
Chitranjan Gupta@chitranjan-gupta
import type { AlternateURLs, ResolvedAlternateURLs } from './alternative-urls-types';import type { AppleWebApp, AppLinks, FormatDetection, ItunesApp, ResolvedAppleWebApp, ResolvedAppLinks, Viewport } from './extra-types';import type { DeprecatedMetadataFields, AbsoluteTemplateString, Author, ColorSchemeEnum, Icon, Icons, IconURL, ReferrerEnum, ResolvedIcons, ResolvedVerification, Robots, ResolvedRobots, TemplateString, Verification, ThemeColorDescriptor } from './metadata-types';import type { Manifest as ManifestFile } from './manifest-types';import type { OpenGraph, ResolvedOpenGraph } from './opengraph-types';import type { ResolvedTwitterMetadata, Twitter } from './twitter-types';/*** Metadata interface to describe all the metadata fields that can be set in a document.* @interface*/interface Metadata extends DeprecatedMetadataFields {/*** The base path and origin for absolute urls for various metadata links such as OpenGraph images.*/metadataBase?: null | URL;/*** The document title.* @example* ```tsx* "My Blog"* <title>My Blog</title>** { default: "Dashboard", template: "%s | My Website" }* <title>Dashboard | My Website</title>** { absolute: "My Blog", template: "%s | My Website" }* <title>My Blog</title>* ```*/title?: null | string | TemplateString;/*** The document description, and optionally the OpenGraph and twitter descriptions.* @example* ```tsx* "My Blog Description"* <meta name="description" content="My Blog Description" />* ```*/description?: null | string;/*** The application name.* @example* ```tsx* "My Blog"* <meta name="application-name" content="My Blog" />* ```*/applicationName?: null | string;/*** The authors of the document.* @example* ```tsx* [{ name: "Next.js Team", url: "" }]** <meta name="author" content="Next.js Team" />* <link rel="author" href="" />* ```*/authors?: null | Author | Array<Author>;/*** The generator used for the document.* @example* ```tsx* "Next.js"** <meta name="generator" content="Next.js" />* ```*/generator?: null | string;/*** The keywords for the document. If an array is provided, it will be flattened into a single tag with comma separation.* @example* ```tsx* "nextjs, react, blog"* <meta name="keywords" content="nextjs, react, blog" />** ["react", "server components"]* <meta name="keywords" content="react, server components" />* ```*/keywords?: null | string | Array<string>;/*** The referrer setting for the document.* @example* ```tsx* "origin"* <meta name="referrer" content="origin" />* ```*/referrer?: null | ReferrerEnum;/*** The theme color for the document.* @example* ```tsx* "#000000"* <meta name="theme-color" content="#000000" />** { media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", color: "#000000" }* <meta name="theme-color" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" content="#000000" />** [* { media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", color: "#000000" },* { media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)", color: "#ffffff" }* ]* <meta name="theme-color" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" content="#000000" />* <meta name="theme-color" media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" content="#ffffff" />* ```*/themeColor?: null | string | ThemeColorDescriptor | ThemeColorDescriptor[];/*** The color scheme for the document.* @example* ```tsx* "dark"* <meta name="color-scheme" content="dark" />* ```*/colorScheme?: null | ColorSchemeEnum;/*** The viewport setting for the document.* @example* ```tsx* "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"* <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />** { width: "device-width", initialScale: 1 }* <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />* ```*/viewport?: null | string | Viewport;/*** The creator of the document.* @example* ```tsx* "Next.js Team"* <meta name="creator" content="Next.js Team" />* ```*/creator?: null | string;/*** The publisher of the document.* @example** ```tsx* "Vercel"* <meta name="publisher" content="Vercel" />* ```*/publisher?: null | string;/*** The robots setting for the document.** @see* @example* ```tsx* "index, follow"* <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />** { index: false, follow: false }* <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />* ```*/robots?: null | string | Robots;/*** The canonical and alternate URLs for the document.* @example* ```tsx* { canonical: "" }* <link rel="canonical" href="" />** { canonical: "", hreflang: { "en-US": "" } }* <link rel="canonical" href="" />* <link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-US" />* ```** Multiple titles example for alternate URLs except `canonical`:* ```tsx* {* canonical: "",* types: {* 'application/rss+xml': [* { url: 'blog.rss', title: 'rss' },* { url: 'blog/js.rss', title: 'js title' },* ],* },* }* <link rel="canonical" href="" />* <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/rss+xml" title="rss" />* <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/rss+xml" title="js title" />* ```*/alternates?: null | AlternateURLs;/*** The icons for the document. Defaults to rel="icon".** @see* @example* ```tsx* ""* <link rel="icon" href="" />** { icon: "", apple: "" }* <link rel="icon" href="" />* <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="" />** [{ rel: "icon", url: "" }, { rel: "apple-touch-icon", url: "" }]* <link rel="icon" href="" />* <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="" />* ```*/icons?: null | IconURL | Array<Icon> | Icons;/*** A web application manifest, as defined in the Web Application Manifest specification.** @see* @example* ```tsx* ""* <link rel="manifest" href="" />* ```**/manifest?: null | string | URL;/*** The Open Graph metadata for the document.** @see* @example* ```tsx* {* type: "website",* url: "",* title: "My Website",* description: "My Website Description",* siteName: "My Website",* images: [{* url: "",* }],* }** <meta property="og:type" content="website" />* <meta property="og:url" content="" />* <meta property="og:site_name" content="My Website" />* <meta property="og:title" content="My Website" />* <meta property="og:description" content="My Website Description" />* <meta property="og:image" content="" />* ```*/openGraph?: null | OpenGraph;/*** The Twitter metadata for the document.* @example* ```tsx* { card: "summary_large_image", site: "@site", creator: "@creator", "images": "" }** <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />* <meta name="twitter:site" content="@site" />* <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@creator" />* <meta name="twitter:title" content="My Website" />* <meta name="twitter:description" content="My Website Description" />* <meta name="twitter:image" content="" />* ```**/twitter?: null | Twitter;/*** The common verification tokens for the document.* @example* ```tsx* { verification: { google: "1234567890", yandex: "1234567890", "me": "1234567890" } }* <meta name="google-site-verification" content="1234567890" />* <meta name="yandex-verification" content="1234567890" />* <meta name="me" content="@me" />* ```*/verification?: Verification;/*** The Apple web app metadata for the document.** @see* @example* ```tsx* { capable: true, title: "My Website", statusBarStyle: "black-translucent" }* <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />* <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="My Website" />* <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent" />* ```**/appleWebApp?: null | boolean | AppleWebApp;/*** Indicates if devices should try to interpret various formats and make actionable links out of them. For example it controles* if telephone numbers on mobile that can be clicked to dial or not.* @example* ```tsx* { telephone: false }* <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" />* ```**/formatDetection?: null | FormatDetection;/*** The metadata for the iTunes App.* It adds the `name="apple-itunes-app"` meta tag.** @example* ```tsx* { app: { id: "123456789", affiliateData: "123456789", appArguments: "123456789" } }* <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=123456789, affiliate-data=123456789, app-arguments=123456789" />* ```*/itunes?: null | ItunesApp;/*** A brief description of what this web-page is about. Not recommended, superseded by description.* It adds the `name="abstract"` meta tag.** @see* @example* ```tsx* "My Website Description"* <meta name="abstract" content="My Website Description" />* ```*/abstract?: null | string;/*** The Facebook AppLinks metadata for the document.* @example* ```tsx* { ios: { appStoreId: "123456789", url: "" }, android: { packageName: "com.example", url: "" } }** <meta property="al:ios:app_store_id" content="123456789" />* <meta property="al:ios:url" content="" />* <meta property="al:android:package" content="com.example" />* <meta property="al:android:url" content="" />* ```*/appLinks?: null | AppLinks;/*** The archives link rel property.* @example* ```tsx* { archives: "" }* <link rel="archives" href="" />* ```*/archives?: null | string | Array<string>;/*** The assets link rel property.* @example* ```tsx* ""* <link rel="assets" href="" />* ```*/assets?: null | string | Array<string>;/*** The bookmarks link rel property.* @example* ```tsx* ""* <link rel="bookmarks" href="" />* ```*/bookmarks?: null | string | Array<string>;/*** The category meta name property.* @example* ```tsx* "My Category"* <meta name="category" content="My Category" />* ```*/category?: null | string;/*** The classification meta name property.* @example* ```tsx* "My Classification"* <meta name="classification" content="My Classification" />* ```*/classification?: null | string;/*** Arbitrary name/value pairs for the document.*/other?: {[name: string]: string | number | Array<string | number>;} & DeprecatedMetadataFields;}interface ResolvedMetadata extends DeprecatedMetadataFields {metadataBase: null | URL;title: null | AbsoluteTemplateString;description: null | string;applicationName: null | string;authors: null | Array<Author>;generator: null | string;keywords: null | Array<string>;referrer: null | ReferrerEnum;themeColor: null | ThemeColorDescriptor[];colorScheme: null | ColorSchemeEnum;viewport: null | string;creator: null | string;publisher: null | string;robots: null | ResolvedRobots;alternates: null | ResolvedAlternateURLs;icons: null | ResolvedIcons;openGraph: null | ResolvedOpenGraph;manifest: null | string | URL;twitter: null | ResolvedTwitterMetadata;verification: null | ResolvedVerification;appleWebApp: null | ResolvedAppleWebApp;formatDetection: null | FormatDetection;itunes: null | ItunesApp;abstract: null | string;appLinks: null | ResolvedAppLinks;archives: null | Array<string>;assets: null | Array<string>;bookmarks: null | Array<string>;category: null | string;classification: null | string;other: null | ({[name: string]: string | number | Array<string | number>;} & DeprecatedMetadataFields);}type RobotsFile = {rules: {userAgent?: string | string[];allow?: string | string[];disallow?: string | string[];crawlDelay?: number;} | Array<{userAgent: string | string[];allow?: string | string[];disallow?: string | string[];crawlDelay?: number;}>;sitemap?: string | string[];host?: string;};type SitemapFile = Array<{url: string;lastModified?: string | Date;changeFrequency?: 'always' | 'hourly' | 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'yearly' | 'never';priority?: number;}>;type ResolvingMetadata = Promise<ResolvedMetadata>;declare namespace MetadataRoute {type Robots = RobotsFile;type Sitemap = SitemapFile;type Manifest = ManifestFile;}export { Metadata, ResolvedMetadata, ResolvingMetadata, MetadataRoute };
type LangCode = 'aa' | 'ab' | 'ae' | 'af' | 'ak' | 'am' | 'an' | 'ar' | 'as' | 'av' | 'ay' | 'az' | 'ba' | 'be' | 'bg' | 'bh' | 'bi' | 'bm' | 'bn' | 'bo' | 'br' | 'bs' | 'ca' | 'ce' | 'ch' | 'co' | 'cr' | 'cs' | 'cu' | 'cv' | 'cy' | 'da' | 'de' | 'dv' | 'dz' | 'ee' | 'el' | 'en' | 'eo' | 'es' | 'et' | 'eu' | 'fa' | 'ff' | 'fi' | 'fj' | 'fo' | 'fr' | 'fy' | 'ga' | 'gd' | 'gl' | 'gn' | 'gu' | 'gv' | 'ha' | 'he' | 'hi' | 'ho' | 'hr' | 'ht' | 'hu' | 'hy' | 'hz' | 'ia' | 'id' | 'ie' | 'ig' | 'ii' | 'ik' | 'io' | 'is' | 'it' | 'iu' | 'ja' | 'jv' | 'ka' | 'kg' | 'ki' | 'kj' | 'kk' | 'kl' | 'km' | 'kn' | 'ko' | 'kr' | 'ks' | 'ku' | 'kv' | 'kw' | 'ky' | 'la' | 'lb' | 'lg' | 'li' | 'ln' | 'lo' | 'lt' | 'lu' | 'lv' | 'mg' | 'mh' | 'mi' | 'mk' | 'ml' | 'mn' | 'mr' | 'ms' | 'mt' | 'my' | 'na' | 'nb' | 'nd' | 'ne' | 'ng' | 'nl' | 'nn' | 'no' | 'nr' | 'nv' | 'ny' | 'oc' | 'oj' | 'om' | 'or' | 'os' | 'pa' | 'pi' | 'pl' | 'ps' | 'pt' | 'qu' | 'rm' | 'rn' | 'ro' | 'ru' | 'rw' | 'sa' | 'sc' | 'sd' | 'se' | 'sg' | 'si' | 'sk' | 'sl' | 'sm' | 'sn' | 'so' | 'sq' | 'sr' | 'ss' | 'st' | 'su' | 'sv' | 'sw' | 'ta' | 'te' | 'tg' | 'th' | 'ti' | 'tk' | 'tl' | 'tn' | 'to' | 'tr' | 'ts' | 'tt' | 'tw' | 'ty' | 'ug' | 'uk' | 'ur' | 'uz' | 've' | 'vi' | 'vo' | 'wa' | 'wo' | 'xh' | 'yi' | 'yo' | 'za' | 'zh' | 'zu' | 'af-ZA' | 'am-ET' | 'ar-AE' | 'ar-BH' | 'ar-DZ' | 'ar-EG' | 'ar-IQ' | 'ar-JO' | 'ar-KW' | 'ar-LB' | 'ar-LY' | 'ar-MA' | 'arn-CL' | 'ar-OM' | 'ar-QA' | 'ar-SA' | 'ar-SD' | 'ar-SY' | 'ar-TN' | 'ar-YE' | 'as-IN' | 'az-az' | 'az-Cyrl-AZ' | 'az-Latn-AZ' | 'ba-RU' | 'be-BY' | 'bg-BG' | 'bn-BD' | 'bn-IN' | 'bo-CN' | 'br-FR' | 'bs-Cyrl-BA' | 'bs-Latn-BA' | 'ca-ES' | 'co-FR' | 'cs-CZ' | 'cy-GB' | 'da-DK' | 'de-AT' | 'de-CH' | 'de-DE' | 'de-LI' | 'de-LU' | 'dsb-DE' | 'dv-MV' | 'el-CY' | 'el-GR' | 'en-029' | 'en-AU' | 'en-BZ' | 'en-CA' | 'en-cb' | 'en-GB' | 'en-IE' | 'en-IN' | 'en-JM' | 'en-MT' | 'en-MY' | 'en-NZ' | 'en-PH' | 'en-SG' | 'en-TT' | 'en-US' | 'en-ZA' | 'en-ZW' | 'es-AR' | 'es-BO' | 'es-CL' | 'es-CO' | 'es-CR' | 'es-DO' | 'es-EC' | 'es-ES' | 'es-GT' | 'es-HN' | 'es-MX' | 'es-NI' | 'es-PA' | 'es-PE' | 'es-PR' | 'es-PY' | 'es-SV' | 'es-US' | 'es-UY' | 'es-VE' | 'et-EE' | 'eu-ES' | 'fa-IR' | 'fi-FI' | 'fil-PH' | 'fo-FO' | 'fr-BE' | 'fr-CA' | 'fr-CH' | 'fr-FR' | 'fr-LU' | 'fr-MC' | 'fy-NL' | 'ga-IE' | 'gd-GB' | 'gd-ie' | 'gl-ES' | 'gsw-FR' | 'gu-IN' | 'ha-Latn-NG' | 'he-IL' | 'hi-IN' | 'hr-BA' | 'hr-HR' | 'hsb-DE' | 'hu-HU' | 'hy-AM' | 'id-ID' | 'ig-NG' | 'ii-CN' | 'in-ID' | 'is-IS' | 'it-CH' | 'it-IT' | 'iu-Cans-CA' | 'iu-Latn-CA' | 'iw-IL' | 'ja-JP' | 'ka-GE' | 'kk-KZ' | 'kl-GL' | 'km-KH' | 'kn-IN' | 'kok-IN' | 'ko-KR' | 'ky-KG' | 'lb-LU' | 'lo-LA' | 'lt-LT' | 'lv-LV' | 'mi-NZ' | 'mk-MK' | 'ml-IN' | 'mn-MN' | 'mn-Mong-CN' | 'moh-CA' | 'mr-IN' | 'ms-BN' | 'ms-MY' | 'mt-MT' | 'nb-NO' | 'ne-NP' | 'nl-BE' | 'nl-NL' | 'nn-NO' | 'no-no' | 'nso-ZA' | 'oc-FR' | 'or-IN' | 'pa-IN' | 'pl-PL' | 'prs-AF' | 'ps-AF' | 'pt-BR' | 'pt-PT' | 'qut-GT' | 'quz-BO' | 'quz-EC' | 'quz-PE' | 'rm-CH' | 'ro-mo' | 'ro-RO' | 'ru-mo' | 'ru-RU' | 'rw-RW' | 'sah-RU' | 'sa-IN' | 'se-FI' | 'se-NO' | 'se-SE' | 'si-LK' | 'sk-SK' | 'sl-SI' | 'sma-NO' | 'sma-SE' | 'smj-NO' | 'smj-SE' | 'smn-FI' | 'sms-FI' | 'sq-AL' | 'sr-BA' | 'sr-CS' | 'sr-Cyrl-BA' | 'sr-Cyrl-CS' | 'sr-Cyrl-ME' | 'sr-Cyrl-RS' | 'sr-Latn-BA' | 'sr-Latn-CS' | 'sr-Latn-ME' | 'sr-Latn-RS' | 'sr-ME' | 'sr-RS' | 'sr-sp' | 'sv-FI' | 'sv-SE' | 'sw-KE' | 'syr-SY' | 'ta-IN' | 'te-IN' | 'tg-Cyrl-TJ' | 'th-TH' | 'tk-TM' | 'tlh-QS' | 'tn-ZA' | 'tr-TR' | 'tt-RU' | 'tzm-Latn-DZ' | 'ug-CN' | 'uk-UA' | 'ur-PK' | 'uz-Cyrl-UZ' | 'uz-Latn-UZ' | 'uz-uz' | 'vi-VN' | 'wo-SN' | 'xh-ZA' | 'yo-NG' | 'zh-CN' | 'zh-HK' | 'zh-MO' | 'zh-SG' | 'zh-TW' | 'zh-Hans' | 'zh-Hant' | 'zu-ZA' | `${Lowercase<string>}-${string}`;type UnmatchedLang = 'x-default';type HrefLang = LangCode | UnmatchedLang;type Languages<T> = {[s in HrefLang]?: T;};export type AlternateLinkDescriptor = {title?: string;url: string | URL;};export type AlternateURLs = {canonical?: null | string | URL | AlternateLinkDescriptor;languages?: Languages<null | string | URL | AlternateLinkDescriptor[]>;media?: {[media: string]: null | string | URL | AlternateLinkDescriptor[];};types?: {[types: string]: null | string | URL | AlternateLinkDescriptor[];};};export type ResolvedAlternateURLs = {canonical: null | AlternateLinkDescriptor;languages: null | Languages<AlternateLinkDescriptor[]>;media: null | {[media: string]: null | AlternateLinkDescriptor[];};types: null | {[types: string]: null | AlternateLinkDescriptor[];};};export {};
export type AppLinks = {ios?: AppLinksApple | Array<AppLinksApple>;iphone?: AppLinksApple | Array<AppLinksApple>;ipad?: AppLinksApple | Array<AppLinksApple>;android?: AppLinksAndroid | Array<AppLinksAndroid>;windows_phone?: AppLinksWindows | Array<AppLinksWindows>;windows?: AppLinksWindows | Array<AppLinksWindows>;windows_universal?: AppLinksWindows | Array<AppLinksWindows>;web?: AppLinksWeb | Array<AppLinksWeb>;};export type ResolvedAppLinks = {ios?: Array<AppLinksApple>;iphone?: Array<AppLinksApple>;ipad?: Array<AppLinksApple>;android?: Array<AppLinksAndroid>;windows_phone?: Array<AppLinksWindows>;windows?: Array<AppLinksWindows>;windows_universal?: Array<AppLinksWindows>;web?: Array<AppLinksWeb>;};export type AppLinksApple = {url: string | URL;app_store_id?: string | number;app_name?: string;};export type AppLinksAndroid = {package: string;url?: string | URL;class?: string;app_name?: string;};export type AppLinksWindows = {url: string | URL;app_id?: string;app_name?: string;};export type AppLinksWeb = {url: string | URL;should_fallback?: boolean;};export type ItunesApp = {appId: string;appArgument?: string;};export type Viewport = {width?: string | number;height?: string | number;initialScale?: number;minimumScale?: number;maximumScale?: number;userScalable?: boolean;viewportFit?: 'auto' | 'cover' | 'contain';interactiveWidget?: 'resizes-visual' | 'resizes-content' | 'overlays-content';};export type AppleWebApp = {capable?: boolean;title?: string;startupImage?: AppleImage | Array<AppleImage>;statusBarStyle?: 'default' | 'black' | 'black-translucent';};export type AppleImage = string | AppleImageDescriptor;export type AppleImageDescriptor = {url: string;media?: string;};export type ResolvedAppleWebApp = {capable: boolean;title?: string | null;startupImage?: AppleImageDescriptor[] | null;statusBarStyle?: 'default' | 'black' | 'black-translucent';};export type FormatDetection = {telephone?: boolean;date?: boolean;address?: boolean;email?: boolean;url?: boolean;};
/**** Metadata types**/export interface DeprecatedMetadataFields {/*** Deprecated options that have a preferred method* @deprecated Use appWebApp to configure apple-mobile-web-app-capable which provides* @see*/'apple-touch-fullscreen'?: never;/*** Obsolete since iOS 7.* @see* @deprecated use or instead*/'apple-touch-icon-precomposed'?: never;}export type TemplateString = DefaultTemplateString | AbsoluteTemplateString | AbsoluteString;export type DefaultTemplateString = {default: string;template: string;};export type AbsoluteTemplateString = {absolute: string;template: string | null;};export type AbsoluteString = {absolute: string;};export type Author = {url?: string | URL;name?: string;};export type ReferrerEnum = 'no-referrer' | 'origin' | 'no-referrer-when-downgrade' | 'origin-when-cross-origin' | 'same-origin' | 'strict-origin' | 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin';export type ColorSchemeEnum = 'normal' | 'light' | 'dark' | 'light dark' | 'dark light' | 'only light';type RobotsInfo = {index?: boolean;follow?: boolean;/** @deprecated set index to false instead */noindex?: never;/** @deprecated set follow to false instead */nofollow?: never;noarchive?: boolean;nosnippet?: boolean;noimageindex?: boolean;nocache?: boolean;notranslate?: boolean;indexifembedded?: boolean;nositelinkssearchbox?: boolean;unavailable_after?: string;'max-video-preview'?: number | string;'max-image-preview'?: 'none' | 'standard' | 'large';'max-snippet'?: number;};export type Robots = RobotsInfo & {googleBot?: string | RobotsInfo;};export type ResolvedRobots = {basic: string | null;googleBot: string | null;};export type IconURL = string | URL;export type Icon = IconURL | IconDescriptor;export type IconDescriptor = {url: string | URL;type?: string;sizes?: string;color?: string;/** defaults to rel="icon" unless superseded by Icons map */rel?: string;media?: string;/*** @see*/fetchPriority?: 'high' | 'low' | 'auto';};export type Icons = {/** rel="icon" */icon?: Icon | Icon[];/** rel="shortcut icon" */shortcut?: Icon | Icon[];/*** @see* rel="apple-touch-icon"*/apple?: Icon | Icon[];/** rel inferred from descriptor, defaults to "icon" */other?: IconDescriptor | IconDescriptor[];};export type Verification = {google?: null | string | number | (string | number)[];yahoo?: null | string | number | (string | number)[];yandex?: null | string | number | (string | number)[];me?: null | string | number | (string | number)[];other?: {[name: string]: string | number | (string | number)[];};};export type ResolvedVerification = {google?: null | (string | number)[];yahoo?: null | (string | number)[];yandex?: null | (string | number)[];me?: null | (string | number)[];other?: {[name: string]: (string | number)[];};};export type ResolvedIcons = {icon: IconDescriptor[];apple: IconDescriptor[];shortcut?: IconDescriptor[];other?: IconDescriptor[];};export type ThemeColorDescriptor = {color: string;media?: string;};export {};
export type Manifest = {background_color?: string;categories?: string[];description?: string;dir?: 'ltr' | 'rtl' | 'auto';display?: 'fullscreen' | 'standalone' | 'minimal-ui' | 'browser';display_override?: ('fullscreen' | 'standalone' | 'minimal-ui' | 'browser' | 'window-controls-overlay')[];file_handlers?: {action: string;accept: {[mimeType: string]: string[];}[];}[];icons?: {src: string;type?: string;sizes?: string;purpose?: 'any' | 'maskable' | 'monochrome' | 'badge';}[];id?: string;lang?: string;launch_handler?: {platform?: 'windows' | 'macos' | 'linux';url?: string;};name?: string;orientation?: 'any' | 'natural' | 'landscape' | 'portrait' | 'portrait-primary' | 'portrait-secondary' | 'landscape-primary' | 'landscape-secondary';prefer_related_applications?: boolean;protocol_handlers?: {protocol: string;url: string;title?: string;}[];related_applications?: {platform: string;url: string;id?: string;}[];scope?: string;screenshots?: {src: string;type?: string;sizes?: string;}[];serviceworker?: {src?: string;scope?: string;type?: string;update_via_cache?: 'import' | 'none' | 'all';};share_target?: {action?: string;method?: 'get' | 'post';enctype?: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/plain';params?: {name: string;value: string;required?: boolean;}[];url?: string;title?: string;text?: string;files?: {accept?: string[];name?: string;}[];};short_name?: string;shortcuts?: {name: string;short_name?: string;description?: string;url: string;icons?: {src: string;type?: string;sizes?: string;purpose?: 'any' | 'maskable' | 'monochrome' | 'badge';}[];}[];start_url?: string;theme_color?: string;};
import type { AbsoluteTemplateString, TemplateString } from './metadata-types';export type OpenGraphType = 'article' | 'book' | '' | 'music.album' | 'music.playlist' | 'music.radio_station' | 'profile' | 'website' | 'video.tv_show' | 'video.other' | '' | 'video.episode';export type OpenGraph = OpenGraphWebsite | OpenGraphArticle | OpenGraphBook | OpenGraphProfile | OpenGraphMusicSong | OpenGraphMusicAlbum | OpenGraphMusicPlaylist | OpenGraphRadioStation | OpenGraphVideoMovie | OpenGraphVideoEpisode | OpenGraphVideoTVShow | OpenGraphVideoOther | OpenGraphMetadata;type Locale = string;type OpenGraphMetadata = {determiner?: 'a' | 'an' | 'the' | 'auto' | '';title?: string | TemplateString;description?: string;emails?: string | Array<string>;phoneNumbers?: string | Array<string>;faxNumbers?: string | Array<string>;siteName?: string;locale?: Locale;alternateLocale?: Locale | Array<Locale>;images?: OGImage | Array<OGImage>;audio?: OGAudio | Array<OGAudio>;videos?: OGVideo | Array<OGVideo>;url?: string | URL;countryName?: string;ttl?: number;};type OpenGraphWebsite = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'website';};type OpenGraphArticle = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'article';publishedTime?: string;modifiedTime?: string;expirationTime?: string;authors?: null | string | URL | Array<string | URL>;section?: null | string;tags?: null | string | Array<string>;};type OpenGraphBook = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'book';isbn?: null | string;releaseDate?: null | string;authors?: null | string | URL | Array<string | URL>;tags?: null | string | Array<string>;};type OpenGraphProfile = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'profile';firstName?: null | string;lastName?: null | string;username?: null | string;gender?: null | string;};type OpenGraphMusicSong = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: '';duration?: null | number;albums?: null | string | URL | OGAlbum | Array<string | URL | OGAlbum>;musicians?: null | string | URL | Array<string | URL>;};type OpenGraphMusicAlbum = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'music.album';songs?: null | string | URL | OGSong | Array<string | URL | OGSong>;musicians?: null | string | URL | Array<string | URL>;releaseDate?: null | string;};type OpenGraphMusicPlaylist = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'music.playlist';songs?: null | string | URL | OGSong | Array<string | URL | OGSong>;creators?: null | string | URL | Array<string | URL>;};type OpenGraphRadioStation = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'music.radio_station';creators?: null | string | URL | Array<string | URL>;};type OpenGraphVideoMovie = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: '';actors?: null | string | URL | OGActor | Array<string | URL | OGActor>;directors?: null | string | URL | Array<string | URL>;writers?: null | string | URL | Array<string | URL>;duration?: null | number;releaseDate?: null | string;tags?: null | string | Array<string>;};type OpenGraphVideoEpisode = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'video.episode';actors?: null | string | URL | OGActor | Array<string | URL | OGActor>;directors?: null | string | URL | Array<string | URL>;writers?: null | string | URL | Array<string | URL>;duration?: null | number;releaseDate?: null | string;tags?: null | string | Array<string>;series?: null | string | URL;};type OpenGraphVideoTVShow = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'video.tv_show';};type OpenGraphVideoOther = OpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'video.other';};type OGImage = string | OGImageDescriptor | URL;type OGImageDescriptor = {url: string | URL;secureUrl?: string | URL;alt?: string;type?: string;width?: string | number;height?: string | number;};type OGAudio = string | OGAudioDescriptor | URL;type OGAudioDescriptor = {url: string | URL;secureUrl?: string | URL;type?: string;};type OGVideo = string | OGVideoDescriptor | URL;type OGVideoDescriptor = {url: string | URL;secureUrl?: string | URL;type?: string;width?: string | number;height?: string | number;};export type ResolvedOpenGraph = ResolvedOpenGraphWebsite | ResolvedOpenGraphArticle | ResolvedOpenGraphBook | ResolvedOpenGraphProfile | ResolvedOpenGraphMusicSong | ResolvedOpenGraphMusicAlbum | ResolvedOpenGraphMusicPlaylist | ResolvedOpenGraphRadioStation | ResolvedOpenGraphVideoMovie | ResolvedOpenGraphVideoEpisode | ResolvedOpenGraphVideoTVShow | ResolvedOpenGraphVideoOther | ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata;type ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata = {determiner?: 'a' | 'an' | 'the' | 'auto' | '';title: AbsoluteTemplateString;description?: string;emails?: Array<string>;phoneNumbers?: Array<string>;faxNumbers?: Array<string>;siteName?: string;locale?: Locale;alternateLocale?: Array<Locale>;images?: Array<OGImage>;audio?: Array<OGAudio>;videos?: Array<OGVideo>;url: null | URL | string;countryName?: string;ttl?: number;};type ResolvedOpenGraphWebsite = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'website';};type ResolvedOpenGraphArticle = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'article';publishedTime?: string;modifiedTime?: string;expirationTime?: string;authors?: Array<string>;section?: string;tags?: Array<string>;};type ResolvedOpenGraphBook = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'book';isbn?: string;releaseDate?: string;authors?: Array<string>;tags?: Array<string>;};type ResolvedOpenGraphProfile = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'profile';firstName?: string;lastName?: string;username?: string;gender?: string;};type ResolvedOpenGraphMusicSong = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: '';duration?: number;albums?: Array<OGAlbum>;musicians?: Array<string | URL>;};type ResolvedOpenGraphMusicAlbum = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'music.album';songs?: Array<string | URL | OGSong>;musicians?: Array<string | URL>;releaseDate?: string;};type ResolvedOpenGraphMusicPlaylist = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'music.playlist';songs?: Array<string | URL | OGSong>;creators?: Array<string | URL>;};type ResolvedOpenGraphRadioStation = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'music.radio_station';creators?: Array<string | URL>;};type ResolvedOpenGraphVideoMovie = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: '';actors?: Array<string | URL | OGActor>;directors?: Array<string | URL>;writers?: Array<string | URL>;duration?: number;releaseDate?: string;tags?: Array<string>;};type ResolvedOpenGraphVideoEpisode = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'video.episode';actors?: Array<string | URL | OGActor>;directors?: Array<string | URL>;writers?: Array<string | URL>;duration?: number;releaseDate?: string;tags?: Array<string>;series?: string | URL;};type ResolvedOpenGraphVideoTVShow = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'video.tv_show';};type ResolvedOpenGraphVideoOther = ResolvedOpenGraphMetadata & {type: 'video.other';};type OGSong = {url: string | URL;disc?: number;track?: number;};type OGAlbum = {url: string | URL;disc?: number;track?: number;};type OGActor = {url: string | URL;role?: string;};export {};
import type { AbsoluteTemplateString, TemplateString } from './metadata-types';export type Twitter = TwitterSummary | TwitterSummaryLargeImage | TwitterPlayer | TwitterApp | TwitterMetadata;type TwitterMetadata = {site?: string;siteId?: string;creator?: string;creatorId?: string;description?: string;title?: string | TemplateString;images?: TwitterImage | Array<TwitterImage>;};type TwitterSummary = TwitterMetadata & {card: 'summary';};type TwitterSummaryLargeImage = TwitterMetadata & {card: 'summary_large_image';};type TwitterPlayer = TwitterMetadata & {card: 'player';players: TwitterPlayerDescriptor | Array<TwitterPlayerDescriptor>;};type TwitterApp = TwitterMetadata & {card: 'app';app: TwitterAppDescriptor;};export type TwitterAppDescriptor = {id: {iphone?: string | number;ipad?: string | number;googleplay?: string;};url?: {iphone?: string | URL;ipad?: string | URL;googleplay?: string | URL;};name?: string;};type TwitterImage = string | TwitterImageDescriptor | URL;type TwitterImageDescriptor = {url: string | URL;alt?: string;secureUrl?: string | URL;type?: string;width?: string | number;height?: string | number;};type TwitterPlayerDescriptor = {playerUrl: string | URL;streamUrl: string | URL;width: number;height: number;};type ResolvedTwitterImage = {url: string | URL;alt?: string;secureUrl?: string | URL;type?: string;width?: string | number;height?: string | number;};type ResolvedTwitterSummary = {site: string | null;siteId: string | null;creator: string | null;creatorId: string | null;description: string | null;title: AbsoluteTemplateString;images?: Array<ResolvedTwitterImage>;};type ResolvedTwitterPlayer = ResolvedTwitterSummary & {players: Array<TwitterPlayerDescriptor>;};type ResolvedTwitterApp = ResolvedTwitterSummary & {app: TwitterAppDescriptor;};export type ResolvedTwitterMetadata = ({card: 'summary';} & ResolvedTwitterSummary) | ({card: 'summary_large_image';} & ResolvedTwitterSummary) | ({card: 'player';} & ResolvedTwitterPlayer) | ({card: 'app';} & ResolvedTwitterApp);export {};